1Click DVD Converter 1CLICK DVD Dönüştürücü'sü (tm), hızla ve kolayca video dosyaları DVD
sinema andepisodesine dönüşür Yaratıcı Laboratuvar'lar zeni,
genericdivx'i, Microsoft Zune'si ve Sony PSP'I, : iPod, iPhone'si, Elma
TV'I, archosu. CPRx hata düzeltme teknolojisi, DVDs'In en son kuşağını
dönüştürdüğünde en yüksek düz ofsuccessi garantiye alır. (MPEG-4) (tm).
DVD Converter(tm) converts DVD movies andepisodes quickly and easily to
video files for: iPod,iPhone, Apple TV, Archos, Creative Labs Zen,
GenericDivX, Microsoft Zune (MPEG-4) and Sony PSP. CPRx(tm)error
correction technology ensures the highest level ofsuccess when
converting the latest generation of DVDs.
You can convert all
your favorite DVDs with just oneclick. Unlike other software with
complex settings andmultiple steps, 1CLICK DVD Converter(tm) is easy to
use.Movie and episode detection is automatic and doesntrequire you to
preview or try and guess which files toinclude. Just click the Start
button and return to findyour DVD converted.
Even though its
easy to use, there are advancedfeatures for those who want more
control. A previewwindow shows you exactly how the converted video
willappear on your portable device. There are options to setzoom,
resolution and video quality. Switching betweenmobile devices is as
simple as one click. You can evenconvert a DVD to DivX compatible
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1Click DVD Converter DVD Converter